Groot Nieuws: EcoGents Verhuist! Meer Ruimte, Meer Stijl!

Great news: Ecogents is moving! More space, more style!

Dear customers,

What a wonderful journey we have taken with you! 🌟 After five unforgettable years in our cozy shop on Westermarkt 14, full of special moments and stylish discoveries, it is time for Ecogents to take a new step.

At the beginning of October we will move to a much larger store on Westermarkt 35 (former Blokker Pand), in the main passage opposite Specsavers and Primera.

Our new location offers much more space and opportunities to pamper you with an even larger and wider collection with the most beautiful second-hand brand and vintage men's clothing 👔👞. We owe this to your constant support and unimaginable enthusiasm. Your love for unique, stylish items of clothing has inspired us to continue to grow and innovate 💖.

We are of course proud to announce this exciting milestone. We will of course still announce the exact opening weekend, and we promise a smashing party 🎊! Until then you are of course still very welcome at our current location. Come and keep making memories with us!

Very proud greetings,

Fred & Amy
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