Collection: Shirts with Mao / Standing / Farmers Collar

Discover our carefully selected collection of second -hand and vintage shirts with mao, upright and farmers collars. The Mao collar has its origins in Asia, especially in China, where it was part of traditional traditional costumes. The name "Mao Craag" comes from Mao Zedong, the former leader of China, whose characteristic clothing style often contained this specific collar.

In the west, however, this type of collar is more often referred to as the "Mandarin collar", referring to the clothing of the Mandarin officials in the imperial China.

Note: In Our store in Tilburg Do we always have many more raised / farmers / mao collar shirts in stock than we can put online in the webshop. So if you have the chance to come to the store, definitely do it!
Overhemden met Mao kraag